How to download the UniBlend add-on
Last updated
Last updated
UniBlend can be downloaded from gumroad Link: You will have two options to choose from: - UniBlend Demo - UniBlend Premium
When you choose the Demo option make sure to set the "Name a fair price" option to 0 or any amount you prefer.
When you click subscribe you the option you have chosen will be displayed and you will be able to provide an email. Please use a valid email as a license key will be send to it.
After confirming your option details are correct you can press the "Get" Button This will lead you to a new page where you can download the zip file. After the zip file has been downloaded do not unpack the zip file. Installing the addon in blender requires it to be a zip file.
A License key will be shown on this page. This license key will also be sent to the email you provided in the previous page. Please keep in mind that Both Demo and Premium options generate a different license keys.
Currently the license key is only relevant when you have chosen the Premium License!