Adding your own Assets

Want to upload your own assets and share with other plugin users? You can do this directly from the plugin itself by following the below steps! (Video at the end)

Make sure the origin of the asset is in a logical place

You can change the origin like the above screenshot, or right-click and "set origin to geometry"

Then go to "BU Tools" and set your name as "author"

Select what you want to upload from the outliner, if it needs to be a collection then select the collection itself. Once you have your selection, press "Prepare to mark assets"

Then name your assets logically and descriptively. Mesh Example: SM_Door_Damaged/ Material Example: M_Wood_Peeled_Paint

Press "Mark Assets" when finished naming.

Marked Assets will show in the current file library under unassigned

Select them and press "set catalogs and tags". Blender will close. Reopen it and go back to this section.

Add descriptions of assets

Set catalogs if you want to add a catalog where you want your asset.

For example we selected models, pressed + and added "Gamehall"

Subcatagories are seperated by a /

when creating tags you will see a tag named new tag when you press the + sign

If you select a tag (grey color) and press the - button it removes the tag

when pressing confirm it sets all the values in the asset browser

Select the assets you want to upload, and press "Upload to BBPS Server"

Progress bar will show up. Blender will close. Upload is complete.

The BU Team wil go over every submission to check for quality and authenticity. Upload can take different amount of times depending on the current que.

Last updated